Documentary Film Impact Director

Mission Statement: Elevate diverse voices to collectively create a world of peace and unity.

I believe authentic storytelling through documentary film gives insight into disenfranchised and marginalized communities, tells forgotten or untold human stories in engaging and creative ways, and shares history through different perspectives which can lead to generational healing.


Recent Documentary Film Impact Campaigns

First Vote (2020)

Dir. Yi Chen / C35 Films (60 mins / USA)

First Vote provides unparalleled access to a diverse cross-section of four politically engaged Chinese Americans in battleground states.

Film Festivals: AFI DOCS, CAAMFest, Hot Springs, Los Angeles Asian American, Hawaii International, Austin Asian American, Silicon Valley Asian Pacific, Boston Asian American, and more.

Plus dozens of community screenings and panels; PBS America ReFramed/ WORLD Channel national broadcast; GOOD DOCS educational distribution; #YourVote2020 impact campaign for increasing civic engagement amongst Asian Americans in battleground states.


Motherland (2019)

Dirs. Emily Mkrtichian and Jesse Soursourian (19 mins / Armenia)

Motherland follows a group of women who work full-time as land mine clearance officers in Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed territory between Armenia and Azerbaijan, known for one of the worst land mine problems in the world.

Film Festivals: Full Frame, Camden, Big Sky, Hot Springs, Bend, DC Shorts, Brooklyn, Scandinavian International, Aesthetica, Copenhagen, and more.

Plus a dozen community screenings, including five in Nagorno-Karabakh; $10,000 raised for Women Entrepreneur Fund; Best Documentary Short award at Copenhagen Film Festival.


Trouble Finds You (2019)

Dir. Stephanie Tangkilisan (23 mins / USA)

Trouble Finds You follows a Bronx native who gets caught up in the largest gang bust in history and spends 22 months in jail before being released on time served.

Film Festivals: Reel Sisters of the Diaspora, Worker’s Unite, (In)Justice for All, Justice on Trial, Chain NYC, and more.

Plus 20-page discussion guide available with community screenings; Film was produced with The Intercept and was released with this in-depth article about the RICO Act and the Bronx 120.


No Place to Grow (2019)

Dir. Michelle Aguilar (26 mins / USA)

No Place to Grow documents a group of Latino farmers fighting to save a 20-year old community garden.

Film Festivals: Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital, Colorado Environmental, Watsonville, and more.

The film is available for educational and community screenings.


RETURN (2018)

Dir. Karen Cantor/ Singing Wolf Documentaries (28 mins / USA)

RETURN follows six courageous Native American women from tribes across the continent reconnect with the earth and reclaim their health and spirit by following their ancestral foodways. 

Film Festivals: Santa Fe, London International Short, Santa Barbara International, Vision Maker, and more.

Plus dozens of community screenings; Broadcast on Vision Maker Media in association with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting; 13-page press kit, outreach materials, and poster available with film now out of DVD.


City of Trees (2015)

Dir. Brandon Kramer / Meridian Hill Pictures (76 mins / USA)

During the recession, City of Trees follows three trainees and the director of a stimulus-funded green job-training program designed to put unemployed people back to work by planting trees in DC.

Film Festivals: Full Frame, Hot Springs, American Conservation, St. Louis International, Chesapeake, Annapolis, Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital, Yale Environmental, Princeton Environmental, and more. 25+ film festivals.

Plus 75+ educational and community-based screenings; Raised $20,000 through educational DVD sales and dozens of coordinated filmmaker speaking engagements; PBS America ReFramed/ WORLD Channel national broadcast; Generated dozens of press, academic, and community member reviews; Educational distribution through Cinema Guild. Netflix VOD launch; 28-page discussion guide available with screening kit.